Google Street View and virtual tour photography

Businesses of all types become much more dependent on their online presence, and Google Street View and the Virtual Tour are excellent tools to push your business towards more interest, generate more online visits and convert your visitors into potential customers.

What is Google Street View and what does the Virtual Tour mean?

Google Street View is a technology that was launched in 2007 and is featured in different Google products. It provides panoramic views from various positions along streets worldwide. 

The Virtual Tour is an online interactive way of exploring a building for example. It provides 360-degree views and if there are multiple areas, rooms to discover, the visitors can control which areas of the featured building they want to see. There are further possibilities to enhance it, like applying a so-called overlay to add more information or even a short video to push the potential of this marketing tool even further.

The benefits of Google Street View And Virtual Tour Photography

  •  For potential clients

These tools will help your business by giving new visitors and potential clients the chance of taking a first look around your office or property without having to travel there in person. For most customers, the Google Street View and the Virtual Tour features will save a considerable amount of time, as most of them will be able to decide if they want to visit the business premises in person or not.

Potential customers can view the tour on different types of devices, on computers, tablets and mobile phones too, meaning that they can even search for your business while on the go. 

  •  For business owners

The virtual tour will help your business stand out of the competition. How? Consider it a marketing asset to harness the power of Google and give an edge to your business. 

Visitors can use these features 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even if your business is closed. It can appear in a variety of Google Products: Google Maps, Google Search, Street View, Google+ and Google Earth.

The Virtual Tour will boost SEO so it can even help your website to rank higher on Google search results page.

To some extent, humans are all visual learners, meaning that we are collecting and interpreting information coming predominantly from visual sources. A considerable number of people are making their decisions based on visual sources. When it comes to buying habits, the numbers talk for themselves. According to different surveys, around 80% (or more) of the population decides whether to buy something or not based mainly on the visual appearance of the given product/service.

So do you need Google Street View and Virtual Tour for your business? My answer is yes, definitely.

Who should implement the Google Street View and the Virtual Tour?

Whether you are selling goods, organising events or offering services to customers, the Virtual Tour is an excellent tool for any business, with a vast potential of driving in more visitors. Just to give you an idea, here is a list of business types that can benefit from using the Google Street View and the Virtual Tour:

  •  real estate agents
  •  hotels and other types of accommodation 
  • spas and different types of recreational facilities
  • event organisers
  • restaurants, pubs, bakeries
  • universities
  • retailers of all kind

I recommend my Google Street View And Virtual Tour Photography service to businesses mentioned above, but please keep in mind that the list is not complete, it is just to give you an idea.

The process

I handle every client, every commission seriously. To me, photography is not only a job, but it is also my passion so you will meet a real enthusiast in my person. Before I take a commission, I will be working with you closely to ensure that I understand your vision and plans fully, or if you don’t have any, I can even help with some suggestions. 

The next step is to meet at the business premises you would like to advertise this way. You can walk me through the premises to show me the places you would like to have featured in the Virtual Tour.

I will be taking high-quality still images of the requested parts of the building interior/exterior which are then stitched together – using panoramic camera technology – into 360-degree views.

Depending on what we agreed upon, I will be implementing a special overlay on the panoramic image, to add more information and more depth to the visual.

For pricing and further information, you are more than welcome to contact me.

Take your business to the next level with my virtual tour photography service!

I have all the necessary equipment and the expertise – with many years of experience in professional photography – to provide excellent results for you. My background in digital photography and retouching is a guarantee for outstanding images. Taking photos of building interiors does require skill because of common conditions like low light and tight space.

Take your marketing one step further with my photography service! Digital assets have never been so crucial for businesses before and the Virtual Tour is precisely that extra mile.

You are more than welcome to check out my portfolio, to see what kind of images I’m producing for other clients. Should you have further questions about my Google Street View And Virtual Tour Photography service – or any of my other photography and retouching services – don’t hesitate to contact me. 

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